‘We can design the
future we want to live in.
I’m here to help you with it’

Service Designer | Workshop Facilitator | User Researcher

Who am I?

Maya Isla McBeath, Service Designer, User Researcher/Tester and Workshop Facilitator, passionate about people and environment. I invest time and energy into projects that change our society and surroundings for the better, to help design a sustainable future we can and want to live in.

My path has taken me to various spots around the world, enabling me to live and work in different cultures. These include Scotland, India, Australia and Germany. Experiencing previously unknown situations and discovering that things can work out quite differently as expected has enhanced my empathy and shaped my thinking. It has and continues to influence my work.
My belief that we are at our best, and create our best, when we are happy and healthy defines the way I collaborate with others. Users, clients and employees are first and foremost people, and only secondly defined by the role they fulfill in any given situation.

Being an advocate of a healthy work-life-balance, was what motivated me to deepen my knowledge of yoga and to undertake a course to become a yoga teacher. The experience gained there flows back into my design practice where I integrate yoga methods and exercises into my workshops. This activates participants and enhances their focus and concentration – and it works better than coffee.

Portrait of Maya Trees in the background

How do I do things?

1. Deep Dive

Illustration little female person diving into a wave covered ocean
When starting work on a new project, it is invaluable to gain a comprehensive overview of the topic, the field in which it is set and of the potential users and stakeholders.
What is the context in which I am designing, innovating?
Is there a proven need for the product or service? And if so, how is it perceived?
  • Desktop Research
  • Short, inital User Research
  • Kick-Off Workshop with Clients and Stakeholders
  • Expert Interviews

2. Circle of Iteration

Illustration little female person diving into a wave covered ocean
Before investing heavily in programming or producing a product or service that is, perhaps, just not quite right, there is a great deal we can do to make it as close to ‘perfect’ as possible.
This includes prototypes and idea testing to gain insights and feedback which flow back and are integrated into the concept and design.
  • Cultural Probes
  • Paper Prototypes
  • Click-Dummies
  • User Testing
  • User Journeys
  • Business Model Canvas

3. Roadmap to Launch

Illustration little female person diving into a wave covered ocean
Here we define a clear road map of the next steps to be taken within a given time frame. This clarifies which tasks fall into which team member’s field of responsibility and execution. Everyone involved knows what needs to happen next and what is expected of them.
What are the next steps to make this service/product come alive? What are the requirements of the MVP (Minimal Viable Product)? Who carries which responsibilities within the implementation process?
  • Service Blueprint
  • Game Plan
  • Roadmapping

Selected Work - currently being updated

How may I help?

For a Project

Do you have an exciting project and need reinforcement on your team?  

I can join your team as a fully-fledged Service Designer; from initial research and concept development, over prototyping and user testing right up to implementation.

Workshop Facilitation

Would you like to be more innovative? Does your team get bogged down in discussions? Could a Design Sprint kick-start your new project?

During the past couple of years I have facilitated a variety of workshops, covering: Design Sprints, Research, Design, Thinking and Idea-Creation Workshops.
Let me know what you want to work on and I can coach you through it.

User Research

Do you want to understand your customers better?

Do you have an idea 
–or even prototype– and want to give it a reality check before investing further?I can help you refine your idea, prototype it and help to bring it to your client. Together we will make sense of their feedback and clarify how this can be implemented to improve your service or product.

Getting Sh*t Done

Are you feeling a little stuck with your project?

I can support you in clarifying the next steps, creating a road map, allocating responsibilities and setting deadlines.
In general, I would support you in getting your projects off the ground.Do you have an exciting project and need reinforcement on your team?

‘Maya’s ability to really put herself in the users shoes is one of the reasons she’s such a good designer. She’s able to empathise and understand users needs to create products or services that add value to someone’s life.
Her energetic personality and compassionate nature makes her an outstanding team mate and person to be around.’
Amber Jones
- Fellow UX Designer -
‘Maya is one of the most dependable coaches with the Service Jams in Berlin. She is a great combination of high energy and deep empathy which always creates a deep bond within the group.
Her passion for making solutions that matter is a great asset to the Jam Berlin Team.’
Adam Cochrane
- Jam Berlin Organiser -

‘Maya has a great ability to focus on the task in hand and work strictly to deadlines, which was invaluable to founding the GSA Surf Club together. Her passion, enthusiasm and grounded practicality are great assets to her as a designer.’
Hannah Munro
- Co-Founder GSA Surf Club -
‘Maya is a spirited Designer with a strong ability to communicate human stories and the importance behind them. When Design needs champions for the human experience and wellness, Maya’s deep experience and enthusiasm for working with vulnerable people will contribute to that and the world at large.’
Jack Huston
- Former Collegue at Meld Studios -
‘It’s a lot of fun to work with Maya!
On one hand, she brings structure into the planning and execution of tasks, on the other, through her laid-back and open nature, we always had a relaxed atmosphere within the team.’
Diana Wilke
- Co-Organiser Cyclehack Berlin 2018/19 -
How may we collaborate?
You would like to work on something together or can I help you with getting your ideas of the ground?
Get in Touch